Get administrative power (default value: 999) The estates have the following identifier:Īdd_republican_tradition

Toggle AI diplomatic responses ( on: always accept off: normal response)ĭisplays province ID, country tag, and border distance when mousing over provinces.Ĭhange ownership, core, set culture and religion. Maximizes monarch points if no number specified. Get military power points (if not specified, gives 999) Get diplomatic power points (if not specified, gives 999) Get administrative power points (if not specified, gives 999) It was last verified for version 1.30.Įxtra Money (if not specified, gives 5000)Īdds prestige. Population reshuffle according to regional dev centers in EU4.Please help with verifying or updating this section.Colonial tags that reflect cultures that formed them (so a british Brazil is very different from portugese Brazil).Dynamic slave/minority pop generation depending on EU4 circumstances.There are no "cultural union" formables as Vic3 has no concept of a cultural group.There are no army/navy conversions as those are not present in Vic3.
Major mod support: Voltaire's Nightmare - which seamlessly fuses VN map with vanilla 1836 scenario outside it.Eurocentrism to shape the world geopolitical state, fully configurable.Cultures, religions, homelands, claims, releasable nations, formable nations.Slaves and minorities are transplanted from vanilla, for now. Population: We stick to vanilla state population sizes (for now).Economy: We construct an entirely novel world economy based on Vic3 vanilla measurements.Clay: Borders, states/substates - as precise as possible but only Europe and parts of Asia have been hand-ironed.Decentralized World countries: These fill up empty map spaces with decentralized nations.EU4 Countries: laws, techs, characters, relations, diplomacy.The converter is supporting approximately 90% of EU4toVic2 features, and having some novel tweaks ontop of that. Having compressed 7 years of EU4toVic2 development into a 3 month long Eu4toVic3 development spree, we now have a nominally functional, if somewhat barebones, converter that produces playable games. Revision to the base map, removing lots of unnecessary impassables.Special focus on trade ports whenever it's possible to isolate them. Huge amount of province mapping revisions.Dev-based economy model - whole new method of construction worldwide economy.Starvation risk warning for using Absolute Superregional Popshaping - but also economy alterations to give overcrowded states more industrial jobs.Colonial & Manifest Destiny claims - so the colonial nations are shepherded into expanding.Setting up trade ports whenever possible (trade company owning only a single - port - province in a state).Not incorporating excess states with discriminated homelands to save on bureaucracy needs.
This is a significant compatch supporting Vic3 1.3 and EU4 1.35, packing lots of mapping revisions, manual ironing and economy tweaks.